Original publication date: May 13, 2020
1. If a webhook registration is suspended, do the webhook events get queued and delivered once we re-register?
2. How do we follow up on transactions that have suspended webhooks?
1. Yes. Suspended webhook events get queued and delivered upon re-registering. When a suspended webhook is resent, we send an event up to 2 more times.
- If a 200 response is received, we send any other pending events that may have built up in the interim.
- If it is still undeliverable, the registration status will change to 'Suspended'. No further attempts will be made to deliver previous or future events to this endpoint.
It is very important to monitor the statuses of your webhook registrations. If you see a status of 'Suspended', you should first work to identify the issue by reviewing the logs of recent failed events.
2. You may want to implement polling, which searches for pending events via the API, processes them, and then calls for an acknowledge for each event processed via the API. For more information, see:
As a matter of best practice, we recommend sending a GET request to confirm the status of the transaction before operating on it, instead of relying on the most recent update via webhooks.
For more information, see: https://docs.crbcos.com/docs/webhook-events#section-handling-failure